a kid with multicolored hand paint

6 Parenting Tips for ADHD children’s parents

When you have a child with ADHD, it can be difficult to manage their energy and hyperactivity. It’s also easy for them to become frustrated when they don’t succeed at tasks that other children do easily. But there are many things you can do as a parent to help your child thrive. Here are six parenting tips for those of us with ADHD children:

1. Make sure your child is getting plenty of exercise and taking active breaks when your child is at his or her desk studying.

Make sure your child is getting plenty of exercise and taking active breaks when your child is at his or her desk studying.

It’s important for children with ADHD to have enough physical activity. In fact, studies show that a lack of exercise can cause attention problems and increase hyperactivity in some people.

To incorporate more movement into your child’s day:

  • Encourage him or her to take a walk after lunch instead of watching TV in the afternoon
  • Sign up for an extracurricular activity like football or dance class

2. Be on time for appointments and have a schedule for homework and fun activities.

  • Provide a schedule for your child’s activities.

Having a schedule for schoolwork, playtime and chores will help your child prepare for what he or she should do next so that there are no surprises. It helps to get into the habit of having regular meetings with your child to discuss his or her daily activities and long-term plans (for example, “Tonight we’re going to study maths,” or “Tomorrow morning you’ll make up for lost time on your homework.”).

  • Help them learn how to manage their time effectively.

Teach them when they should start doing their homework and give them some warning when it’s almost time to stop working. This will also teach them valuable life skills like prioritizing tasks as well as being able to reduce anxiety by knowing exactly what needs doing next. Leaving everything until last minute causes increased stress levels due to overwhelming workloads piling up over time and fast approaching deadlines.

3. Give clear instructions, one at a time.

As a parent, you know your child best. You can help them develop the ability to follow instructions by giving clear instructions, one at a time.

  • Give instructions in a calm tone and make sure the child understands what you are saying.
  • Use visual aids, such as pictures or diagrams if necessary.

4. Follow up with praise when they’re done.

When your child has just completed an assigned task, it’s important to follow up with praise. You can let your child know that you noticed they finished their homework or put away all their toys. You could also tell them how proud of them you are for cleaning up the kitchen before dinner, or getting ready for school even though it was a busy morning. If they had a difficult time with a particular task (for example, if they didn’t complete their homework), remind them that “it takes practice” and that there were some things they did well while working on this project (for example, they worked hard and tried to figure out what needed to be done). Remind them of these successes when giving them praise so that they motivate them in the future when faced with similar challenges.

5. Take time to play! Enjoy playing games, reading together, or just being silly with your child.

Play is a crucial part of childhood. It helps children develop their brain, make friends, and learn new things. So, play with your child! Play games, read together, or just be silly with them.

Parenting tips for playing with ADHD kids:

  • Have fun! Don’t stress about winning or losing. Let your child win sometimes so that they can feel proud of themselves in front of others (and you).
  • Ask questions about the game. This will encourage your child to think critically. It may also help them learn how to apply what they learned from playing a game towards other areas in life when they’re older!

How to encourage creativity in ADHD children:

  • Encourage drawing/painting/writing by giving them some space where they can work without distractions (like turning off TVs and music). Try giving each member of the family their own little corner so everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves without distracting each other too much!

How to encourage imagination in ADHD children:

  • Give them the chance to play pretend. Let them use their imagination and create new worlds with you! It’s okay if they want to be a princess or an astronaut today instead of going outside and playing. Try letting them pick which game/activities you do together (within reason). This will help keep everyone happy and engaged in what they’re doing without feeling like they’re being forced into something that isn’t fun for them!

6. Parents should encourage children to play and enjoy their childhood as much as possible while also teaching them necessary life skills.

The importance of play in childhood is often overlooked. Play has been found to be one of the most important ways children learn, and it also helps them develop the skills they will need to be successful in life. The following are just a few examples:

  • Play helps children develop social skills through interacting with others and sharing ideas, feelings, and experiences.
  • Play encourages emotional intelligence by allowing children to see how their actions affect others’ feelings while giving them an opportunity to practice communicating their own emotions clearly.
  • Play allows children to develop creativity by exploring new ideas or using objects in unusual ways (e.g., drawing on your hands instead of paper). This can help them think about things differently than adults do!


We hope these parenting tips will help you to understand what makes your child tick and how best to support them. If you have any other suggestions, please leave us a comment below!

If you’d like to talk with a professional, please book an appointment here and we’ll be more than happy to help.